Why won't he say their names: In this piece at The Daily Beast, Michael Tomasky goes on, at some length, about the way the mainstream press corps mistreated Candidate Clinton.
Your assignment, should you choose to accept it:
Try to find even one place where Tomasky names the name of an actual journalist, a particular article or a specific news org.
This is the way they've play the game over the past many years. Our tribe, which accepts these endless evasions, is silly, dumb, pitiful, sad.
Star of stage and screen: In recent months, Tomasky has guested on Hardball on April 3, April 17 and May 5. He guested on the "cable news" program eight different times last year.
Why has he been able to do that? Dearest darlings, use your heads! Because he doesn't name names!
Over here in our pitiful tribe, it simply isn't done!